Pūnga mātauranga
  • Kaiako Kura

Information for primary and area school teachers

26 Rangi 2024

Teachers are the kaitiaki of our education system with a proud history of standing together and winning improvements to teaching that improve learning.

Recent education changes have been introduced by Government with a rhetoric designed to undermine public confidence in teacher professionalism. Teachers need to be well prepared to campaign for an education system that best supports you and the ākonga you teach.      

The information on this page will help teachers in your school to engage in this campaign, to build your union power, to keep informed and get active to make a difference.

Resources for teachers

Here are guides for having a discussion at your school and recruiting new members to the union:

The issues within learning support infographic

Download an infographic poster that sets out the issues facing learning support at the moment and display in your centre or school.