Pūnga mātauranga

Tumeke Tumuaki 2023

26 Nuku 2023

Tumeke Tumuaki is an initiative which recognises and celebrates the amazing contribution principals make to education.

This year the event will be celebrated on Wednesday 1 November.

Some key points about Tumeke Tumuaki and how it can celebrate your tumuaki:

• Tumeke Tumuaki is our chance to thank principals for the job they do as the cornerstone of our education system

• We can use the day to highlight the work that principals do for their schools, tamariki and communities, which often goes unsung

• Recognise principals and their leadership

• Acknowledge that principals often prioritise the wellbeing of their students, staff and community at the expense of their own

• Principals have an essential role within communities throughout Aotearoa ensuring all aspects of schooling are taken care of so that all tamariki benefit

• Tumeke Tumuaki shows our commitment to listening to principals and standing beside them to address the issues that need to be resolved to make their professional lives manageable and sustainable.

Take the quiz!

Do you think you know what a day in the life of a NZ Principal looks like? Take this quiz to test your knowledge.

Tumuaki quiz

Tumuaki playlist

We have curated a playlist for Tumeke Tumuaki 2023! Check it out here.

Social media tiles

Here are social media tiles you can use on your account to show your support for tumuaki