Te Reo Areare
Mo matou
Te Reo Areare sits in parallel with National Executive as the Māori governance body of the union. They provide guidance on the direction and work of the union, ensuring that the views of tangata whenua are respected and present in decision making.
O'Sonia HotereniSenior Executive MemberWesley School
Paeone GoonanRohe RepresentativeWaikato / Te Rohe Pōtae / Tokoroa
Te Aroha HikoRotorua
Raewyn HimonaRohe Representative
Annie Te MoanaRohe RepresentativeMātaatua / Opotiki / Tauranga Moana / Te Whānau ā Apanui
Maihi ParkinsonRohe Representative
Hoana HatiRohe Representative
Takarihi TemaramaRohe Representative
Tiri BaileyRohe Representative
Winnifred MorrisRohe Representative
Lovi CollierRohe Representative
Jayne MatetakaRohe Representative
Lisa JohnstonRohe Representative
Natasha HapeRohe Representative
Ripeka LesselsTauranga Moana/ Mataatua/ Te Whanau a Apanui/ Opotiki
Max Thompson
Rongopai Kira
Te Whakakotahitanga Jenkins
Contact us
Please get in touch by phoning 0800 NZEI HELP (0800 693 443) or nzei@nzei.org.nz and one our team members will be happy to help.