Kaiako Kura

Primary & Area School Teachers

Kaiako Kura

Mehemea he kaiako o te kura, he kaiako kura-a-rohe rānei, kei te mata waro koe o te taha mātauranga o Aotearoa. Ki roto i tō umanga ko koe e whakaāhua te tini me te mano tamariki, me te whakarite rātou kia tipu, kia ako ratou hei pāhake angitu mō āpōpō.

Titiro ki raro mō he pārongo e pā an ki tōu mematanga NZEI Te Riu Roa hei kaiako, a, me pēhea te whakawhaiti.

Your Collective Agreement

NZEI Te Riu Roa members come under the collective agreement negotiated between member led negotiation team and the Ministry of Education. See below for the current active collectives for Primary and Area School teachers.

What you could get involved with

Check out how you can get involved with issues and campaigns relating to your work as a teacher.


Pay Equity for Teachers | Mana Taurite

  • Kaiako Kura
  • Tumuaki
  • Whare Kōhungahunga

The pay equity claim for teachers is currently underway. This is the largest pay equity claim in Aotearoa, covering over 90,000 teachers and principals working in schools, kindergartens and education and care settings. As registered teachers, principals are included in this claim. As teachers we are highly skilled professionals who work creatively, flexibly and with responsibility to our students and whānau. However, our work is often under recognised. Pay equity gives us the opportunity to win corrections to pay and conditions and to feel truly valued for the work we do. Throughout this pay equity claim we are working with the Ministry of Education and early childhood education employer representatives. The claim covers kaiako from early childhood education through to secondary school, so we are also working alongside the PPTA Te Wehengarua.

Ako atu

A quiz for Aotearoa teachers!