Two student members laughing with other members in the background.

Te Kupenga Rangitahi | New Educators Network

Te Kupenga Rangatahi

Studying to become an educator? In your first 5 years of teaching? Te Kupenga Rangatahi (New Educators Network) is a great way to make sure you get the best start to your teaching career.

What is Te Kupenga Rangatahi?

Te Kupenga Rangatahi (NEN) is a network of Early Childhood, Primary and Intermediate students, beginning teachers and MoE Field Staff in their first few years of teaching. We come together to:

  1. Connect with other educators at the same stage of our careers, and learn from those who have recently been in our shoes.
  2. Address the issues that impact students and beginning teachers,
  3. Be the clear, coherent voice of educators as they enter the profession.
Student members and staff talking.

Keen to be involved?

Student membership of NZEI Te Riu Roa is free and brings a host of benefits, networking opportunities, targeted training and PD, fun events, as well as help with finding your first job. NZEI Te Riu Roa has the collective strength to negotiate improved pay and conditions - we have a proud history of successful big-picture campaigns, and help with the tricky on-the-job stuff for our members.

For more information please email or connect with us on Facebook and Instagram

Kick-start your career

Connect with other educators to learn, grown and thrive together.

Related campaigns

Take a look at our current campaigns and find out how you can get involved.

Pay Equity for Teachers | Mana Taurite

  • Kaiako Kura
  • Tumuaki
  • Whare Kōhungahunga

The pay equity claim for teachers is currently underway. This is the largest pay equity claim in Aotearoa, covering over 90,000 teachers and principals working in schools, kindergartens and education and care settings. As registered teachers, principals are included in this claim. As teachers we are highly skilled professionals who work creatively, flexibly and with responsibility to our students and whānau. However, our work is often under recognised. Pay equity gives us the opportunity to win corrections to pay and conditions and to feel truly valued for the work we do. Throughout this pay equity claim we are working with the Ministry of Education and early childhood education employer representatives. The claim covers kaiako from early childhood education through to secondary school, so we are also working alongside the PPTA Te Wehengarua.

Ako atu