Pay Equity for Science Techs | Mana Taurite

Gender based undervaluation has been established and bargaining for the claim will begin soon!
Our pay equity campaign for educators
Our pay equity claims are about addressing the historical undervaluing in both pay and status in roles that society has perceived to be ‘women’s work’. We want to see Mana Taurite | Pay Equity for all workers in education.
It’s time to fix this, because fair’s fair!
Pay equity means that people are paid equally for doing work of equal value. It recognises that while on the surface two jobs may look very different to each other, they require the same or substantially similar skills and experience, responsibilities, degrees of effort or working conditions.
Pay equity is an attempt to ensure that the wages paid to workers in female-dominated occupations are free of assumptions and prejudices about the value of that work because it is mainly done by women.
Mana taurite/pay equity is for all educators and support staff. We have already settled several claims for school administration staff, teacher aides, kāirahi i te reo, and kindergarten support staff. There is still more to come.
Mana taurite/pay equity is also for ECE employers. You can read more about what the pay equity process looks like for an employer here. [link and anchor to section on pay parity for employers, which is in the APEC doc] If you are an employer of ECE staff and you would like to do more to support pay equity, please contact us. [insert link to generic email or form?]
We need everyone on board and part of the Mana Taurite | Fair’s Fair campaign. We will need the Government to pay for the improved pay rates. Seeing a claim through takes time, resources and expertise.
Where our union represents a group of workers, we’re best placed to initiate the pay equity process and bring it to a successful settlement. Winning will take all of us.
Be a part of ensuring that wāhine kaimahi are valued for the work that they do in our education sector.
Be a part of ensuring that wāhine kaimahi are valued for the work that they do in our education sector.