
Hui katoa.

Whakauru mai ki te uniana mātauranga nui rawa atu o Aotearoa, a me whawhai tōnu kia matatika te taha mātauranga.


Ka huitahi ngā mātanga mātauranga o NZEI Te Riu Roa, pērā i a koutou.

He hui katoa tino kaha rawa atu koutou katoa, e mahitahi ana hei whakarite he taha mātauranga pai ake mō ngā kaiako, ākonga me te katoa e whakarite ana a mātou tamariki mō āpōpō.

Kua mahia tātou katoa hei whai tikanga kōnekeneke ki roto i te taha mātauranga.

Ko tō tātou kotahitanga e whānui atu ki te motu, a, nā konā kua kitea ngā otinga. Titiro atu ki ngā mahi kua tutuki tātou katoa.

Ka anga tātou ki whea

He nui ngā mahi e haere ake nei – tiro atu mehemea kua whakauru atu koe.


Pay Equity for Teachers | Mana Taurite

  • Kaiako Kura
  • Tumuaki
  • Whare Kōhungahunga

The pay equity claim for teachers is currently underway. This is the largest pay equity claim in Aotearoa, covering over 90,000 teachers and principals working in schools, kindergartens and education and care settings. As registered teachers, principals are included in this claim. As teachers we are highly skilled professionals who work creatively, flexibly and with responsibility to our students and whānau. However, our work is often under recognised. Pay equity gives us the opportunity to win corrections to pay and conditions and to feel truly valued for the work we do. Throughout this pay equity claim we are working with the Ministry of Education and early childhood education employer representatives. The claim covers kaiako from early childhood education through to secondary school, so we are also working alongside the PPTA Te Wehengarua.

Ako atu

Ngā Aukaha

  • Umanga mātauranga
  • Ngā Aukaha

He nui ngā tamariki o Aotearoa kāore i te whai wāhi ki te mātauranga i te mea he iti noa te tautoko ā-pūtea i te tautoko akoranga. Ko te hua o ngā take pūtea me ngā wā tatari tino roa, he nui ngā tamariki kāore i te whiwhi i te tautoko e tika ana e puāwai ai rātou. Mā te mahi ngātahi, ka taea te uruhi i te kāwanatanga ki te whakapiki i ngā pūtea tautoko kia rongo te tamaiti i te wairua tūhonohono, tautoko, ā, kia whai uara ia i te kura, i tōna whare ako kōhungahunga rānei.

Ako atu

Marangai mai kia kōnekeneke!

Whakauru mai ki a NZEI Te Riu Roa.

Whakauru mai kia karanga tātou mō te pai o te utu, kia pai hoki ngā here me nga putanga kei te taha mātauranga.